Monday, January 11, 2010

Other Gatsby Waxes:

Whilst Gatsby moving rubber series are most well known, Gatsby has other lesser known waxes.  However, most products from Gatsby tend to be quite expensive due to their well known brand.

Gatsby Perfect Hold Wax (60g):
This product is very good for any type of length - it has a good strong hold, minimal shine to give a more natural look, smells nice and washes off with relative ease.  The only set back is that the product is relatively expensive (it is 60 grams), however this is compensated by its efficiency - you only need a pea sized amount to spread through your hair - more for longer hair obviously.  Many prefer this product over the moving rubber series and are very happy with the results that it gives.  Moreover, it is quite easy to use and control, so it's quite good to achieve the style you want without having to play around with your hair for too long.  The medium hair variation of this product is the white container but I wouldn't recommend it as much as the hold wasn't strong enough for my hairlength (medium-long), but it should be okay for shorter cuts.  Just a sidenote that the cube design of this wax looks pretty cool :P 

Gatsby Hair Wax Mat (80g):
This wax has very minimal shine because it is a mat wax, which means that it will not give your hair the shiny or 'greasy' look.  Like most other mat waxes, this gives a very strong hold and is quite durable, meaning it can last the whole day without having to reapply.  This product is 80g, so you get an extra 20g over the Gatsby Perfect Hold Wax, so if you're not too fussed about the slight difference between the two products (I would say this product is slightly harder to get used to but all in all still quite easy to apply), then you would probably go for this product due to the extra 20g per product.  The Hard & Keep version of this product is a softer wax, that understandably gives a slightly weaker hold, with a bit more shine than the mat type.

Gatsby Technical Design Clay (30g):
The first thing you notice with this product is the cost - it's cheaper than the two ranges above BUT it only contains 30g of product per tub, so I wouldn't recommend buying it if you're fairly new to hairstyling or if you're on a tight budget.  However, its design isn't to be used by itself, so you won't run out of it too quickly.  You're supposed to use in with conjunction with the moving rubber series (you apply this on the important areas of your hair; i.e. the ends) to help set your hair in place for longer.  On the downside, the clay requires a good wash to get out, a common attribute with most other clays. 

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